
Truth of Life

One day, during an evening class for adults, the psychology Teacher entered the class and told the students, “Let’s all play a game.”

The Teacher asked one of the students to volunteer. A lady, Aliza, came forward. The Teacher asked her to write 30 names of the most important people in her life on the board.

Aliza wrote the names of her family members, relatives, friends, colleagues and her neighbors.

The Teacher told her to erase three names that she considered most unimportant. Aliza erased the names of her colleagues.

The Teacher again told her to delete five more names. Aliza erased her neighbors’ names. This went on until there were just four names left on the board. These were the names of her mother, father, husband and only son. The entire class became silent, realizing that this wasn’t a game anymore for Aliza alone.

Now, the Teacher told her to delete two more names. It was a very difficult choice for Aliza as she unwillingly deleted her parents’ names.

“Please delete one more,” the Teacher said.

Aliza became very nervous and with trembling hands and tears in her eyes, she deleted her son’s name. Aliza cried painfully.

The Teacher told Aliza to take her seat. After a while, he asked, “Why your husband? The parents are the ones that nurtured you, and the son is the one you gave birth to. And you can always find another husband!”

There was total silence in the class. Everyone was curious to know her response.

Aliza calmly and slowly said, “One day my parents will pass away before me. My son may also leave me when he grows old, for his studies or business or whatever reason. The only one who will truly share his entire life with me is my husband.”

All the other students stood up and applauded her for sharing this truth of life.

This is true. God created marriage for all and it’s a relationship for life. Always value your life partner, it’s not only for husbands alone but wives as well. God has united these two souls as one and it’s on you to nurture your relationship above all other relationships you have with friends, loved ones and family.

Before marriage, God is first, your family second; but when you marry, God is first and your husband or wife second. So when you marry, Enjoy your marriage and make it healthy, peaceful and romantic.

Author Unknown

Meditation: But he who is married cares about the things of the world—how he may please his wife… she who is married cares about the things of the world—how she may please her husband.1 Corinthians 7:33-34

You will succeed because Jesus loves You!

Also read:

Nehemiah’s Leadership Playbook: Burden

What Do You Carry?

A Transformed Life of a Non-Believer 

It Took a Brain Aneurysm for Me to Surrender 
