Know Where You Are Heading in Life

Know Where You Are Heading in Life

“After that, you’ll be able to retire, live in a tiny village near the coast, sleep late, play with your children, catch a few fish, take a siesta with your wife and spend your evenings drinking and enjoying your friends.”

“That’s what we are doing now,” replied the fisherman.

The moral of this story is: Know where you’re going in life, you may already be there!

What Jesus Did

What Jesus Did

What Jesus Did My child, Give up! Give up those hurts of the past. It’s time to move on. satan loves to have you live in the past because that renders you ineffective to live in the present, in the now. Tell Me, child. What is it that has happened to you? Who hurt you? What mistakes have you made that you regret? Did what happen to you change the fact that Jesus loves you, and He died on the cross for you so you could live in heaven with Him for all eternity? Can anything or anyone ever change that fact? You know that nothing can ever nullify what Jesus did for you on the cross. If that’s true, and it is, then nothing else matters, does it? There is nothing that can happen to you, nothing anyone can do to you that can ever change the fact that My Son, Jesus, loves you and died on the cross for you so you gain heaven for all eternity. No one can ever take that away from you. No One! Hold on to that thought. Put things in their proper perspective. When you do that, you’ll see that being loved unconditionally, attaining salvation and having the right to go to heaven is your ultimate goal. Everything else pales in comparison

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She Never Left My Side

She Never Left My Side

Hearing those words, my father told Sharon, “Get on with your life.”

Sharon quickly replied, “Mike is my life.”

Even though we were not yet married, Sharon believed in the vows, “in sickness and in health.” She dropped out of college for one semester to be with me at the Rehabilitation Hospital in Houston where I was eventually transferred. Sharon was spending her time with her “drooling boyfriend in the hospital” while other college freshmen were spending their time at parties.

Saving the Man Who Saved My Life

Saving the Man Who Saved My Life

Saving the Man Who Saved My Life

I was in Haiti in October 2005 researching my book on modern-day slavery when I contracted a severe case of malaria. A young Haitian man named Bill Nathan, then 21, who manages a shelter for homeless boys in Port-au-Prince, took me in and attended to me daily as I lapsed in and out of consciousness. He found the chloroquine that kept me alive.

Great Goals Make You Stretch

Great Goals Make You Stretch

As I continued following a disciplined program to attain goals in every area of my life, something just short of magical happened. My personality sparked with a resurgence of charisma, confidence and boldness. My muscles grew stronger, my energy increased and the fat melted off my body. Taking part in an activity not only became easier, but quite enjoyable. Suddenly, I was living life as I had designed.
