Me, An Idol Worshiper?

Me, An Idol Worshiper?

Me, An Idol Worshiper? I wondered why I was in the queue of the accused at all. I am intelligent, aggressive, young, totally committed to my God. What am I doing here with this sheet of supposed sins in my hand? I wondered. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t fornicate, I don’t steal, I am righteous. Others should be here not me. It was finally my turn to face the Man. I placed my sheet before Him, He glanced at it and sighed softly. He looked at me and calmly said, ‘Guilty of idol worship.’ Imagine my anger, my fury, my indignation. I jumped out of the chair and said ‘Of course not! Check the sheet again, check the name, It can’t be mine.’ He sighed again and mentioned one of my names that no one knows. I would not be stopped. It’s impossible’ I yelled. I worship only God, the Most High, Maker of heaven and earth, the King of kings and Lord of lords. I bow down to none, I have no talisman, no amulet, no pot underneath my bed. ‘You are guilty of idol worship’ He repeated calmly. He looked at me, I looked at Him. It seemed like forever. The room was silent. I could hear the clock ticking. Then slowly I understood. I

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